Norfolk Practice Week 2023
Norfolk Practice Week Brochure 2023
Monday 9.30am - An Introduction To The HEE Wider Children’S Workforce Mental Health Training
Monday 11.00am - Ermin Reducing Parental Conflict And Mental Health
Monday 12.30pm - Supporting Pupils With Eating DisordersMonday 2pm - Working With The Impact Of Trauma On Engagement And Emotional Wellbeing
Monday 3.30pm - A Death In The Family Supporting Those Left Behind
Monday 5pm - Just One Norfolk
Monday 5pm - Kooth And Qwell
Tuesday 9.30am - Understanding The Mental Capacity Act
Tuesday 12.30pm - Supporting Trans Non Binary And GNC Youth
Tuesday 2pm - Supporting Children And Young People’S Mental Health
Tuesday 3.30pm - Seeing The Community Of Practice Coming To Life Through The Use Of JAGS
Wednesday 9.30am - Identifying And Reducing The Impact Of Vicarious Trauma In Professionals
Wednesday 11.00am - Supporting Staff (Trim And Moral Injury)
Wednesday 12.00pm - Introduction To The TALK Centre
Wednesday 12.30pm - The Impact Of SEND And Mental Health In Children And Young People And Their Parentcarers
Wednesday 2pm - Helping Minds Flourish
Thursday 9.30am - Using The Flourish Framework To Promote Wellbeing
Thursday 12.30pm - The Importance Of Perinatal Mental Health Support Through Our Start For Life And Family Hub Offer
Thurday 2pm - Parental Mental Health & Longitudinal Neglect Of Children & Young People
Thursday 2pm - Parental Mental Health Appendix 1 Graded Care Profile Child Neglect Toolkit
Thursday 2pm - Parental Mental Health Appendix 2 Agency Report To CPC With Chronology V6
Thursday 3.30pm - Whole School Or Organisation Approach To Mental Health
Thursday 5pm - What Do Children Really Want From Us
Friday 9.30am - Supporting Families With The Impact Of Trauma
Friday 11.00am - Doing Relationships The Little Things
Friday 12.30pm - Transforming Care Navigators
Friday 2pm - Sleep And Youth Mental Health
Presentation Videos
Helping minds flourish conference - Part 1
Helping minds flourish conference - Part 2
Working with eating disorders
Whole school or organisation approach to mental health and mental health support teams
What do children and young people really want from us
The importance of perinatal mental health support
The impact of SEND and mental health in children, young people, their parent and carers
Supporting staff TRiM and Moral Injury
Supporting children and young people's mental health
Doing relationships its the little things that matter
See the community of practice come to life through JAGS
A death in the family supporting those left behind
Sleep and Youth Mental Health Part 1
Sleep and Youth Mental Health Part 2