Phase 2 of See Something, Hear Something, Say Something – new phone line/text service for children & young people
The second phase of our safeguarding campaign has launched, focusing on a new phone line and extended text service for children and young people.
21st April, 2020
The second phase of our safeguarding campaign has launched, focusing on a new phone line and extended text service for children and young people.
Building on the success of the public campaign See Something, Hear Something, Say Something, we are now reaching out to young people via social media to highlight how they can ask for help.
We’ve created a new phone number 0344 800 8029 which will be manned by children’s social workers at Norfolk County Council with extensive training and experience of working with children. The Healthy Child Programme’s Chat Health service has also been extended to become a safety line, which can be reached on 07480 635060
Children and young people will be able to contact the services if they are scared, or if they are worried about their friends or other young people.
Norfolk’s Youth Advisory Boards are also backing the campaign and will promote the materials via their networks.
Our See Something, Hear Something, Say Something message will continue to go out to the residents of Norfolk and has so far reached more than 130,000 people on social media.
The campaign has the backing of the NSPCC and is also being supported by Norfolk Resilience Forum, which is coordinating the county-wide response to coronavirus.