Norfolk Practice Week - 20-24th May 2024
We are delighted to be able to share with you the brochure for our upcoming Practice Week, taking place Monday 20th to Friday 24th May 2024.
11st April, 2024
The theme for this Practice Week is ‘Learning’ from our shared Flourish ambition. We have a packed week of learning events, so we’re sure they will be something of interest to anyone working to improve the lives of children, young people and families across Norfolk.
The events are open to all and so we of course also welcome children, young people and families who would like to join and take part alongside the workforce. Each of the ‘bitesize’ events are held online on Microsoft Teams so just save the time in your diary and click on the links in the brochure to join. To book your attendance at the conference, click on the link to join via Eventbrite. Resources and video recordings will be published on the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership website after the events.
Our keynote speaker at the online conference on Wednesday is Nina Jackson, Education Consultant and Author who will be talking to us about the opportunities we give children and young people to experience a love of learning, discover the world and be resilient learners for the future. We will also be hearing from young people from the Norfolk in Care Council about their work in overcoming barriers to Education, Employment and Training. It’s sure to be inspirational so do book early to guarantee your place.
We hope you can find some time to join us as these are unique opportunities for us to learn together and share knowledge and experiences, so that we can continue to improve our practice and the lives of the families we work with.